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2024-25 FAFSA信息



学生和他们的家庭应该在  http://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch 在FAFSA开始前三天.

以下人员应该创建一个FSA ID:

  • 学生
  • 学生’s spouse (if married but they did not file taxes as Married Filing Jointly in 2022)
  • (受供养学生的)家长
  • Parent Spouse (if married but they did not file taxes as Married Filing Jointly in 2022)
  • Other Parent (if both parents are divorced but living together)



2024-25年FAFSA开放! FAFSA表格可于网上填写 http://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsabet365体育 and your family need help completing the FAFSA, please reach out to the 财政援助办公室电话:(785)460-4679.   



bet365体育 submitted a FAFSA for 2024-25 and need to make corrections, you will be able 查看您在3月份提交的FAFSA.  实际日期将由 教育部.



The 教育部 will send 2024-25 FAFSAs to bet365体育 in 3月. Due to this delay, award letters will not be available until then.    


A college education is among the most valuable investments a person can make, and many students rely on financial aid to help with the expenses. 我们的工作人员可以协助 you in filling out the Free Application for Federal 学生 Aid (FAFSA), and accessing 与您讨论财务需求的记录.

被考虑,你 必须完成 FAFSA申请网址 studentaid.政府,从每年的10月1日开始. 

金融援助 disbursements are processed after Certification Day each term, beginning 九月底,二月底,六月底. 学生完成要求 必须先行支付资金. 认证日之后,财政援助办公室 向学生会计办公室发送付款. 退款,如果适用的话,将被退回 由学生会计办公室发给学生.

有关一步一步的指导,请遵循 财政援助申请清单.

To begin planning how much you might need, review the 出勤费用 (COA)本学年的预算.


We understand that many students have other financial obligations that make affording 学费是个挑战. 这就是为什么我们提供各种各样的资源.

To process your financial aid in a timely manner, all documents should be submitted by June for fall classes, by November for spring, and by 3月 for summer. bet365体育 are unable to provide the appropriate documentation by that time, your financial aid 可能会延迟.


Federal Pell Grants (PELL) are basic entitlements funded by the federal 政府ernment 不需要偿还. This program is designed for degree-seeking undergraduates who do not have a bachelor's degree, and it serves as the foundation for other forms 的援助. 资格 is based on financial need determined by a federal funding formula, using the student's 出勤费用 (COA), and the number of credit hours in which 这个学生每学期都注册. Pell grants are available for eligible students display exceptional financial need and are enrolled in an eligible program.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) -- are basic entitlements funded by the federal 政府ernment and the college that do not need to be repaid. 资格 是否以资金的需要和可用性为基础. FSEOG funds are campus-based; and therefore, 可用资金有限.


联邦工作研究 (FWS) provides employment opportunities that enable students to 挣钱供他们上学. Also campus-based, FWS awards are based on documented 资金的需要和可用性. 这个项目鼓励社区服务就业 以及与学生所学课程相关的工作. 在可能的范围内,CCC将 attempt to provide employment that complements and reinforces the student's educational 职业生涯目标. FWS salaries are determined by their supervisor and earnings 是否受限于奖励金额. 通过FWS就业的学生将获得报酬 按月计算. 阅读更多关于CCC勤工俭学职位的信息.


贷款 are not gifts or awards; they must be repaid in full. 

  • 补贴斯塔福德贷款: 基于需要. 付款到期 after meeting one of three criteria: less than 6-credit hour enrollment in one semester, 离开大学或大学毕业. 曾经之一 these three criteria are met, there is a 6-month grace period before payments are 多亏了你的贷款服务人员. The federal 政府ernment covers interest charged until payments 是必需的.
  • 无补贴斯塔福德贷款: for students who do not demonstrate financial need through the FAFSA应用程序 process or for independent students who require additional funding. 付款到期 after meeting one of three criteria: less than 6-credit hour enrollment in one semester, 离开大学或大学毕业. 一旦满足了这三个标准中的一个,就可以了 is a 6-month grace period before payments are 多亏了你的贷款服务人员. 感兴趣 由学生自行支付.
  • 家长贷款(PLUS): 供独立学生使用. This loan is issued to parents and requires a separate 贷款申请  It must be repaid in monthly payments beginning 60 days after full disbursement 利息从支付之日起计算.


如有有关 奖学金,联系奖学金协调员 奖学金@imgbestsearch.com  785.460.4677.


退伍军人可能有资格享受特殊学费福利. 在这里找到更多信息.

一般处理经济援助 需要四到六周的时间,但可能会有所不同. Factors that can impact the speed of this process include:

  • The time of year when the FAFSA is submitted and received by the 财政援助办事处 (高峰应用时间影响处理).
  • The time it takes all official transcripts to be received by the Registrar’s Office and 招生 Office (allow time for processing by both offices).
  • The student's response time to complete and return all verification documents, 如果选择.
  • The student's response time  to complete and submit the award letter and loan request 表格寄给财政援助部门.
  • Completion of the Master Promissory Note, and online Entrance 咨询.

美国.S. 教育部 requires bet365体育 to define and administer 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) standards for students receiving Title IV Federal 金融援助. 学生s receiving Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational 机会补助金,联邦工作研究,任何W.D. 福特直接贷款计划,和/或 any other federal or state aid must meet the following standards to ensure that only those students demonstrating satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of their educational programs continue to receive aid.

的标准 令人满意的学业进展 measure a student’s performance in three areas: cumulative completion rate, cumulative 平均成绩和最长时间. 令人满意的学业进步将是 在每个付款期结束时测量. 未能保持满意的通知 academic progress will be mailed to the student’s permanent address at that time.


学生还必须保持2分.累计平均绩点0. 一个学生不及格 to meet then cumulative GPA standard will be placed on 警告 for the following payment period in which the student is enrolled. 后续付款 一段时间的不满意的进展将导致 暂停援助.

The federal 政府ernment and many other organizations have sites that provide a wealth 信息和服务. 更多的信息可以在下面找到 链接.
