High School
Outreach Education


How to Enroll Ordering Books Online
Important Documents Rates


Apply for Admission


What is Outreach Education?

Colby Community College offers instruction at a number of outreach sites in surrounding counties. Outreach courses have the same placement and prerequisite requirements and include the same content and rigor as traditional on-campus classes. Students at these sites can be confident in transferring, as the Kansas Board of Regents has approved 56 courses for guaranteed transfer among all Kansas public post-secondary institutions.

Map of outreach service area

Concurrent Enrollment

The Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) and Colby Community College  encourage high school students to take advantage of post-secondary education opportunities by enrolling while still in high school or participating in home schooling. K.S.A. 2000 Supp. 72-11a01 through 72-11a05 provide these opportunities through the Kansas Challenge to Secondary School Pupils Act. High school students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grades are eligible to take concurrent enrollment classes if specific course prerequisites and placement testing requirements are met. For more information, visit the Regents website at www.kansasregents.org

For questions about outreach classes or for more information about concurrent enrollment classes,  email the Coordinator of Outreach and International Students.

Atwood Rawlins County Logo Palco Palco logo
Almena Northern Valley logo Phillipsburg Phillipsburg High School logo
Colby Colby Eagles logo Plainville Plainville logo
Ellis Ellis High School Rexford Golden Plains logo
Grainfield Wheatland-Grinnell logo Sharon Springs Wallace County High logo
Hill City Ringnecks Logo Stockton Stockton
Hoxie Hoxie logo Ulysses Ulysses High School
Logan Logan logo Victoria Victoria High School
Norton Norton logo WaKeeney Trego logo
Oakley Oakley logo Weskan Weskan logo
Oberlin Red Devil logo Winona/Brewster Triplains-Brewster logo


Important Documents


Tuition is a flat rate that includes all course types including face-to-face, online, and I-CAN.  Additional course fees, books, or materials are not included in this rate. Students are financially responsible once they are enrolled. For current rates, check the tuition page.

How to Enroll

High School Application Checklist

If you are a new student, please apply to the college and then contact the Outreach department. If you are a current student or have previously taken courses through CCC, please contact the Outreach department.


Students taking online courses will need to purchase any required textbooks for that course. 

Order textbooks


Questions? Contact Us.

Outreach Office
1255 S Range Ave
Colby KS 67701
(785) 460-5509